


25 Oct 2019

Tags: PTSD , Self-esteem

To make this easier for those who have not yet been through a session of EMDR Therapy, let’s first explain what typically happens during a session.

Using your eyes, you follow a moving light, or in the case of having an outdated therapist or therapy model, you follow their finger back and forth. You do this while mentally focusing on different aspects of your problem and it then changes the way that your brain responds to those problems.

In addition to using your eyes (visual stimulation) EMDR sessions may also feature audio tones or even little hand-held buzzers which vibrate to repeatedly stimulate the left and ride sides (hemispheres) of your brain.

These sessions last anywhere from as little as 15 minutes for an at-home online session like those offered by The Virtual EMDR Eye Movement Therapy Program, to more than an hour with some in-person therapists.

Doing your own EMDR treatments are a pretty straight-forward process. Getting good at using the Virtual EMDR Program just requires a bit of patience. And some practice.

The EMDR experience will be different for different people and your experience may vary from session to session. And the EMDR session experience will also be different if you choose to see and in-person EMDR therapist who uses an old-fashioned, out-of-date EMDR session where the therapist moves their finger back and forth versus if you choose online sessions at home using a step-by-step self-administered EMDR therapy program like Virtual EMDR.

If you choose to use the Virtual EMDR Program, you can learn how to remove addictions, recover from trauma and PTSD symptoms, overcome fears and anxiety, and even to eliminate feelings of grief and loss from a breakup, divorce, miscarriage, or death. It's up to you. You can see a list of everything the program treats on our Front Page of our website above.

And if you are new to Virtual EMDR, there are some key concepts, ideas, and terminology you will need to fully understand before you will become completely comfortable with the program. But you will find it intuitive and easy.

EMDR sessions can make you face some uncomfortable and painful truths about yourself and about things that may have happened in your past. Facing reality can be pretty ugly, especially if your past was filled with abuse, the pain of addiction, or if you have been victimized in some way.

Because of this, it is highly possible that you might be emotional after your session.

But here’s the thing-it’s a good thing that you’re mad! That means the EMDR is reaching those old dusty corners of your brain and shining a healing light on all that darkness.

Right after an EMDR session, many people report a slight, but passing light headedness or even an electrical crawling sensation in their skin like the hairs are standing up on their arms. It is also common for people to report sort of a vibrating sensation in their chest.

During your session, your brain and central nervous system have been stimulated over and over. It’s no wonder you might feel a bit physically odd.

You may walk away from some sessions feeling like you just wasted your time. Other sessions will be break through and make you feel like you’ve changed something about your life forever.

The important thing with EMDR is to keep at it! You can have permanent life-changing results in only 1-10 sessions.

Most Recent Comments

12 Feb 2020

Kind of shitty and pointless to be calling other methods old and outdated. No reason to disparage other methods. Just talk about the benefits of your method. Don't be a jerk.

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